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办公室: 数学与统计学院附楼一楼
个人简介:主要研究领域是李代数和结合代数的表示理论,在j. algebra, math. z., transformation groups, bull. lond. math. soc.,israel j. math. 等sci杂志上发表学术论文多篇。主持完成国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目等项目。
2009.09-2012.06, 博士, 中科院数学研究所,基础数学专业
2005.09-2008.06, 硕士, 北京师范大学,基础数学专业
2001.09-2005.07, 学士, 河南师范大学,数学与应用数学专业
[25]. liu genqiang, li yang, whittaker categories and the minimal nilpotent finite w-algebras for sl(n 1), math. z. 306, 65 (2024).
[24]. li yang, zhao jun, zhang yuanyuan, liu genqiang, a whittaker category for the symplectic lie algebra and differential operators, ark. mat. 61 (2023), 123-140.
[23]. zhang yuanyuan, zhao jun, liu genqiang, rota-baxter family $\omega$-associative conformal algebras and their cohomology theory, j. math. phys. 64 (2023), no. 10, paper no. 101705, 28 pp.
[22]. , , whittaker category for the lie algebra of polynomial vector fields.journal of algebra, 74–88.
[21]. liu genqiang, zhao kaiming, the category of weight modules for symplectic oscillator lie algebas,transformation groups, 1025–1044.
[20]. liu genqiang, li, yang, wang keke, irreducible weight modules over the schrödinger lie algebra in (n 1) dimensional space-time,journal of algebra, 575,(2021), 1-13.
[19]. liu genqiang, li yang, bgg category for the quantum schrödinger algebra, glasgow mathematical journal,63(2021),266-279.
[18]. niu mengnan, liu genqiang, irreducible jet modules for the vector field lie algebra, communications in algebra,49(2021),2091-2100.
[17]. guo xiangqian , liu genqiang , lu rencai, zhao, kaiming, simple witt modules that are finitely generated over the cartan subalgebra,moscow mathematical journal,20(2020),43-65.
[16]. brešar matej, guo xiangqian, liu genqiang, lü rencai, zhao kaiming, zero product determined lie algebras. eur. j. math. 5 (2019), no. 2, 424–453.
[15]. guo xiangqian, liu genqiang, jet modules for the centerless virasoro-like algebra. j. algebra appl. 18 (2019), no. 1, 1950002, 24 pp.
[14]. liu genqiang, lu rencai, zhao kaiming, irreducible witt modules from weyl modules and gln-modules. j. algebra 511 (2018), 164-181.
[13]. liu genqiang, li yang, wang yihan, localization of highest weight modules of a class of extended affine lie algebras. j. geom. phys. 129 (2018), 208-216.
[12]. cai yan-an, liu genqiang, nilsson jonathan, zhao, kaiming, generalized verma modules over sl(n 2) induced from u(hn)-free sl(n 1)-modules. j. algebra 502 (2018), 146-162.
[11]. futorny vyacheslav, liu genqiang, lu rencai, zhao kaiming, new families of irreducible weight modules over sl3. j. algebra 501 (2018), 458-472.
[10]. liu genqiang, zhao yueqiang, generalized polynomial modules over the virasoro algebra. proc. amer. math. soc. 144 (2016), no. 12, 5103-5112.
[9]. liu genqiang, zhao yueqiang, irreducible a(1)1-modules from modules over two dimensional non-abelian lie algebra. front. math. china 11 (2016), no. 2, 353-363.
[8]. liu genqiang, zhao kaiming, classification of irreducible bounded weight modules over the derivation lie algebras of quantum tori. linear algebra appl. 495 (2016), 11-23.
[7]. liu genqiang, zhao kaiming, new irreducible weight modules over witt algebras with infinite-dimensional weight spaces. bull. lond. math. soc. 47 (2015), no. 5, 789–795.
[6]. liu genqiang, lu rencai, zhao kaiming, a class of simple weight virasoro modules. j. algebra 424 (2015), 506-521.
[5]. liu genqiang, guo xiangqian, harish-chandra modules over generalized heisenberg-virasoro algebras. israel j. math. 204 (2014), no. 1, 447-468.
[4]. guo xiangqian, liu genqiang, zhao kaiming, irreducible harish-chandra modules over extended witt algebras. ark. mat. 52 (2014), no. 1, 99-112.
[3]. liu genqiang, zhao, kaiming, irreducible harish chandra modules over the derivation algebras of rational quantum tori. glasg. math. j. 55 (2013), no. 3, 677-693.
[2]. liu genqiang, zhang yingbo, canonical forms of indecomposable modules over k[x,y]/(xp,yq,xy). algebra colloq. 18 (2011), no. 3, 373-384.
[1]. liu genqiang, zhao kaiming, irreducible modules over the derivation algebras of rational quantum tori. j. algebra 340 (2011), 28-34.
1. 李代数与有限w代数的whittaker型表示和有限维表示,(12371026),国家自然科学基金面上项目,202401--202712,在研,主持。
2. weyl型代数的表示及其在李代数和量子群表示中的应用,(11771122),国家自然科学基金面上项目,201801--202112,完成,主持。
3. 无穷维李代数和量子群的表示,河南省自然科学基金优秀青年项目,202010--202310,完成,主持。
4.与量子环面相关的李代数的表示,(11301143), 国家自然科学基金青年项目,201401--201612,已结项,主持。
1. 2023年2月在中国数学会年会做代数分组报告。
2. 2019年7月受邀在第16届全国李代数会议会议上做大会报告。
3. 2017年7月受邀在十四届数学教学与科研研讨会暨河南省第八届“数学博士论坛”做大会报告。
2020年, 无穷维李代数的表示及其应用,河南省教育厅科技成果奖,二等奖。