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[1] a.m. chen, q.w. ren, t.s. zhou, p. burrage, t.h. tian, k. burrage. balanced implicit patankar–euler methods for positive solutions of stochastic differential equations of biological regulatory systems. journal of chemical physics, 2024 160, 064117.
[2] a.m. chen, t.s. zhou, p. burrage, t.h. tian, k. burrage. composite patankar-euler methods for positive simulations of stochastic differential equation models for biological regulatory systems. journal of chemical physics, 2023, 159, 024104.
[3] a.m. chen, t.s. zhou and t.h. tian, computer simulation of nonlinear mixed-effect models with ordinary differential equations for genetic regulation, the 15th international conference on computer modeling and simulation (iccms), 2023, june 16–18.
[4] a.m. chen, t.h. tian, y.r. chen, t.s. zhou. stochastic analysis of a complex gene-expression model, chaos, solitons & fractals, 2022, 160, 112261.
[5] a.m. chen, t.s. zhou, t.h. tian, integrated pipelines for inferring gene regulatory networks from single-cell data, current bioinformatics, 2022, 17(7): 559-564.
[6] a.m. chen, h.h. qiu, t.h. tian, t.s. zhou, generalized fluctuation-dissipation theorem for non-markovian reaction networks, physical review e, 2022, 105, 064409.
[7] a.m. chen, t.s. zhou, t.h. tian, balance of positive and negative regulation for trade-off between efficiency and resilience of high-dimenssonal networks, physica a: statistical mechanics & its applications, 2022, 603, 127879.