太阳成集团tyc151cc-太阳成集团tyc7111cc >> 师资队伍 >> 全职教工 正文王娜
邮箱: wangna@henu.edu.cn
2009.09-2012.07, 博士, 首都师范大学, 数学物理专业
2004.09-2007.07, 硕士, 首都师范大学, 数学物理专业
2012.07至今, 河南大学, 讲师、副教授
[1] na wang(王娜), 3d fermions and affine yangian, nuclear physics b 969 (2021) 115461.
[2] na wang(王娜), affine yangian and 3-schur functions, nuclear physics b 960 (2020) 115173.
[3] na wang(王娜), chuanzhong li, universal character, phase model and topological strings on c^3, european physical journal c (2019) 79:953, arxiv: 1711.05548.
[4] na wang(王娜), young diagrams in an nxm box and the kp hierarchy, nuclear physics b 937 (2018) 478-501.
[5] na wang(王娜), chuanzhong li, quantum torus algebras and b(c)-type toda systems, journal of nonlinear science 27 (2017) 1957-1970.
[6] na wang(王娜), linjie shi, affine yangian and schur functions on plane partitions of 4, journal of mathematical physics 62 (2021) 061701.
[7] na wang(王娜), ke wu, vertex operators, t-boson model and weighted plane partitions in finite boxes, modern physics letters b 32 (2018) 1850061.
[8] na wang(王娜), the realizations of lie algebra gl(∞) and tau functions in homotopy category, international journal of modern physics a 31(2016) 1650105.
[9] na wang(王娜), rui wang, zhixi wang, ke wu, jie yang, zifeng yang, the categorification of fermions, communications in theoretical physics 63 (2015) 129-135.
[10] na wang(王娜), chuanzhong li, pi-type fermions and pi-type kp hierarchy, glasgow mathematical journal 61 (2019) 601-613.
[11] fang huang, na wang (王娜,通讯作者),generalized symplectic schur functions and suc hierarchy, journal of mathematical physics 61 (2020) 061508.
[12] 王娜,王志玺,吴可,杨洁,杨紫峰,heisenberg代数的范畴化和macmahon函数,中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学 47 (2017)第2期:020001.
[13] chong li, lin-jie shi, xiao-li wang, na wang(王娜)and min-ru chen,on generalized lax equation of the lax triple of mkp hierarchy,international journal of modern physics a 35 (2020) 2050099.
[14] linjie shi, na wang(王娜,通讯作者), minru chen, orthogonal and symplectic schur functions, vertex operators and integrable hierarchies. (journal of nonlinear mathematical physics接收, online, doi:
1.高维杨图的schur函数和仿射yangian, 12101184, 国家自然科学基金青年基金,2022/01 -2024/12,在研,主持
2.代数的范畴化及其应用, 11426089,国家自然科学基金天元基金,2015/01 -2015/12, 3万元,已结题,主持
[1] 2020年,论文《quantum torus algebras and b(c) type toda systems》 获得2020 年度河南省教育厅科技成果奖优秀科技论文奖。(豫教〔2020〕8453 号)
[2] 2017年,论文 《the realizations of lie algebra gl(∞) and tau functions in homotopy category》获河南省第四届自然科学学术奖——河南省自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖。
[3] 2017年,论文《the categorification of fermions》获开封市第十三届自然科学优秀学术成果奖——优秀学术论文奖一等奖。
[4] 2019年,在河南省第五届本科高等学校青年教师数学教学技能竞赛中获得三等奖。(教高[2019]-383号)。