太阳成集团tyc151cc-太阳成集团tyc7111cc >> 师资队伍 >> 全职教工 正文
邮箱: xieyawei@gmail.com
研究方向:计算流体力学 多相流 油井模拟
2012.10-2018.06, 博士,斯旺西大学, civil engineering专业
2008.09-2012.07, 硕士,中国工程物理研究院研究生院, 计算数学专业
2003.09-2007.07, 学士,山东理工大学, 信息与计算科学专业
2018.09至今, 河南大学, 讲师
[1] 'higher resolution hybrid unstructured spectral finite-volume methods for flow in porous media’, xie, y. & edwards, m.g., ecmor xvii, 14-17 september 2020, edinburgh, uk.
[2] ‘higher resolution unstructured spectral finite-volume method for flow in porous media’, xie, y. & edwards, m.g., spe reservoir simulation conference, 10-11 april, 2019, galveston, texas, usa, http://dx.doi.org/10.2118/193875-ms
[3] ‘unstructured cvd-mpfa reduced-dimensional dfm models for two-phase flow, coupled with higher resolution hybrid upwind methods’, xie, y. & edwards, m.g., spe reservoir simulation conference, 10-11 april, 2019, galveston, texas, usa,
[4] ‘a cell-centred cvd-mpfa finite volume method for two-phase fluid flow problems with capillary heterogeneity and discontinuity’, ahmed, r., xie, y. & edwards, m.g., transport in porous media (2018).
[5] 'unstructured cvd-mpfa reduced-dimensional discrete fracture models for two-phase flow’, xie, y. & edwards, m.g., ecmor xvi, 2018, barcelona, spain. ttps://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.201802150
[6] ‘higher resolution hybrid and vt cell-centred finite-volume formulations for three component two-phase flow on unstructured grid’, xie, y. & edwards, m.g., ecmor xvi, 2018, barcelona, spain.
[7] ‘convective darcy-flux, higher resolution hybrid, godunov vt and va upwind methods for transport in porous and fractured media’, xie, y. & edwards, m.g., cmwr2018, saint-malo, france
[8] ‘higher resolution total velocity vt and va finite-volume formulations on cell-centred structured and unstructured grids’, xie, y. & edwards, m.g., computational geosciences, 2017,
[9] ‘cell-centred higher resolution finite-volume total velocity vt and va formulations on structured and unstructured grids’, xie, y. & edwards, m.g., ecmor xv - 15th european conference on the mathematics of oil recovery, 29 august – 1 september 2016, amsterdam, netherlands.
[10] ‘higher resolution cell-centred finite-volume schemes on unstructured grids for multi phase flow in a porous medium’, xie, y., edwards, m.g. & pal, m., proceedings of the 22nd uk conference of the association for computational mechanics in engineering, 2 - 4 april 2014, university of exeter, exeter
[11] ‘wall heating and adaptive heat conduction viscosity’, shen, zh., xie, y. & yan, w., chinese journal of computational physics 29(6):807-814, november 2012
1. 2021年06月受邀在siam conference on mathematical & computational issues in the geosciences (gs21) held virtually june 21 - 24, 2021会议上做